Linggo, Oktubre 6, 2013

Goals over Failures

"You must have long range goals to keep you from being frustrated by short range failures." 
-- Charles C. Noble 

No one has never failed in anything in life. There will always be that moment when nothing seems to be working. There will always be that time that no matter how strong your determination is, others' determinations are stronger and will be more successful than you. During these times I do not know how to deal with failure. No matter how I try to love doing one thing, it just doesn't reciprocate all the efforts I'm putting into it. 

I've found a key to overcome depression due to this. It's moving-on. The faster I move-on from a failed action, the more I am determine to make it right the next time. Nothing will happen if I just cry over and over again over spilled milk. What happened has already happened. Can't be changed. What we can do is focus on the long range goals than on the short range failures.

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