Martes, Oktubre 1, 2013

Forgiveness to Freedom to Happiness

Acceptance, forgiveness and freedom are majors factors leading to moving-on. These are two of the many values we have to give to whomever have left us, whoever hurt us, or anyone in our past who were fortunately or unfortunately cannot continue to be our partner for life. It was easy for me to free myself from my past relationship but it took me sometime to finally free the one I've left. I was at some point unfair in freeing myself but leaving the other, hurt, hoping, and imprisoned by his love for me. I would delete all his pictures in me but I would not want him to erase all the memories he had with me. I wanted to be happy but I wanted him to still continue loving me and be miserable. That is so unfair.

I have hated the world and all kinds of man and have thought that they are all but same creatures who would hurt all girls and who would flirt with other girls when given the chance. I told myself, “Okay, I'll go with the flow. I'll be friends with guys, go out with them and enjoy my life being single. If they want game, I'll give them a damn good game.” I have told myself not to be attached with my new guy friends and be sure not to feel any romantic emotions for them. I was, for some time, successful with my plans. I have new guy friends, I go out often, I've gain a lot of admirers, and suitors. And most especially, my ex-guy was miserable. I was happy with what was going on.

It took me a few months to be like that. I was so hurt that I badly wanted revenge and make him miserable. Until one time I felt the real love from a friend who eventually became my boyfriend. I love him so much that I would not want to do anything to hurt him. Until I finally stopped to do those non-sense of making someone miserable. I realized that I, myself, make myself miserable as well. Too much insecurities, feeling of vengeance, bad plans, stalking on social networking sites, fishing information, and the like, have wasted my time so much. I gained nothing but heartaches and wrinkles. I was not truly happy but only miserable.

Now that my ex-boyfriend for 5 years is happy (I hope he is) with his new girl, and I am so much truly in-love and happiest with my man, I promise not to do any stupid thing like that again. I have prayed for forgiveness for being such bad girl, I have asked apologies from my ex-man whom I have hurt, I have told everything to my present love, and now I have finally moved-on. No more insecurities, vengeance, misery, or heartaches.

All of us get hurt. And sometimes these heartaches make us do stupid things which we think can make us happy. To all the boys and girls out there, please learn to forgive and accept. It is only through forgiveness and acceptance that we can truly be free. Be worry-free and be happy. :)

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